Friday, English Day

It’s an optional day for families who wish to have their sons and daughters come to the Filasez on Fridays. This offer is also open to children who are not enrolled at Filasez, such as homeschoolers. The initial idea is to work in independent sessions, although situated in a specific learning context or situation, based on different areas of interest.

What is the purpose of ‹Friday, English Day›? These sessions are designed to offer an English language immersion experience, ensuring that inputs are accessible and understandable for the children. The proposed activities are open-ended and flexible, yet carefully structured to prevent children from feeling lost. The close and welcoming atmosphere promotes fluid communication and deeper understanding, creating an environment conducive to language learning and development.

Are the sessions independent? Yes and no! For instance, if we focus on cave paintings, we can explore them through different subjects such as art, music, and geography. Each session will have different focuses, yet the theme remains consistent. This way, participating students can become experts in the chosen theme collectively. Therefore, it would be advisable to ensure maximum attendance commitment, considering it’s an optional day.

Can students add their personal touch? Absolutely! The proposals will be designed to be open-ended so that each student can work on and interpret them in their own way.

How will the follow-up and evaluation of ‹Friday, English Day› be carried out? Although these sessions are an initiative of Filasez, the progress made in them will not be integrated into the general evaluation. At the end of each project, families will be provided with a brief report summarizing the learning evidence and detailing all the activities carried out during these sessions. This way, families will be involved in the project and can continue it from home if they wish. Another idea is to work with the children on this report and presentation so that they themselves can present their findings.