First Impressions of Filasez

Andrea Thür and Julie Hawkins both started as new team members in the Filasez. They interviewed each other and tell of their first impressions:

Andrea and I both started in Filasez at the beginning of March. 

I was welcomed so warmly on my first day in the Filasez – hugs and happy faces from the three teachers.  One by one the children began to arrive – all very calmly and all warmly welcomed.  As the day progressed, I noticed and appreciated the lovely calm atmosphere that the school has.  The word that best describes this is harmonic.   What were your first impressions Andrea?

Mein Start an der Filasez war in Geheimer Mission. Wir haben an einem eigenlich Filasez-freien Tag (am Freitag) das Abschiedsgeschenk für Janos vorbereitet. Es kamen alle Filasez-Kinder und auch einzelne Eltern. In mir kam sofort das Bild einer Familie auf. Auch an diesem Tag haben sich alle sehr herzlich begrüsst und es war ein Tag voller lachender Gesichter (auch wenn der Anlass für das heimliche Zusammentreffen auch ein wenig ein trauriger war). 

My first day involved lots of eating!  We travelled on the bus to visit one of the students homes in the countryside.  Mary Poppins, pirates, witches, a unicorn, indians, sharkey and various other charachters accompanied me – in celebration of the carnival ‘Fasnacht’.  Upon arrival we were greeted with an amazing mid morning snack.  There was a generous amount of time to sit and chat together, explore the house and surrounding land.  

We returned back to the Filasez in time for a picnic lunch which included Mary Poppin’s delicious rice recipe.  I really enjoyed the two boys who sponataneously started singing English songs to me.   Have you experienced any interesting moments during lunch Andrea?

Die Mittagspause erinnerte mich ebenfalls wieder ans Familienleben. Die Erwachsenen schauen in den Kühlschrank und überlegen sich, was man alles auftischen könnte. Die Kinder helfen mit beim Tischen und räumen auch ihr eigenes Geschirr wieder ab. Es wird geplappert, ausgetauscht und gelacht. 

After lunch the children had some quiet time before beginning the Carnival party.  So good that Filasez has such a long corridor as the children really enjoyed being pushed up and down on chairs, trolleys and anything that had wheels on it.  It was not just the children that enjoyed the party atmosphere as the teachers were enjoying it just as much.   Paper streamers, drums, noise and lots of laughter was followed by several packs of carnival cakes ‘Fasnachtkuchen’.   What were your memorable moments Andrea?

Ich habe an jenem Fasnachts-Nachmittag vor allem die ‹Jam session› im Musikzimmer sehr genossen. Verschiedene Rhythmusinstrumente erzeugten einen super Beat und ein paar schön verkleidete Mädchen tanzten dazu.

The time flew by and my first day was over incredibly quickly.  I  came home wondering what excitement will happen during the following week.  Did you have similar thoughts Andrea?

Ja, auch für mich ging der Tag sehr schnell vorbei und ‹wie aus einem Guss›. Am Abend war ich angenehm müde und freute mich auf den nächsten Tag an dem ich wieder mit den Kindern und den Erwachsenen weiter fliessen konnte.